Series RLC Circuit Step Response Lab
Overview: In this lab we modeled and tested series RLC second-order circuits. In the first part of the lab, the step response of a circuit wass analyzed. Then, in the second part the same circuit was modified to be critically damped, and then once again its step response was analyzed.
We designed the following circuit to test the step responses:
R was set to 1.1 ohms
L was 1 microHenry
C was 470 nanoFarads
Below are our calculations, predicting the damping ratio, resonance frequency, and damping frequency:
*From the picture above*
Alpha = damping ratio = 4.5 *10^5 Hz
Omega = resonance frequency = 1.543 *10^6 Hz
Omega d = Damping frequency = 1045 Hz
Alpha/Omega = Damping ratio = .292
Construction and Execution:
The circuit was fed a 2V step function at 100Hz, allowing the circuit to stabilize between each step.
^^^^ Triggered response of one step ^^^^
^^^^ Close up view of the oscilloscope window ^^^^
^^^^ best fit line applied to voltage peaks of the system ^^^^
The best fit exponential line gives an alpha value of ~12, which is wildly inaccurate, but then so is the fit line, so that is being excluded from our results. That being said the rest of the results are as follows:
Experimental Omega = 1.543*10^6 Hz
Experimental Omega D = 8.70 * 10^3 Hz
Experimental Damping Ratio = .292
The corrupted experimental alpha value really impacted our ability to do a successful analysis. As you can see, the inaccurate experimental Omega D hints at something having gone incorrectly with our initial or post calculations. However, the graph looks accurate, so perhaps there is an error involving the inductor, which may not have a negligible amount of resistance. That would seriously impact our results, since the amount of resistance being used in a mere .9 ohms. Also there is other system resistance which could be throwing off the accuracy of our calculations.
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