Today in class we did an experiment that explored the shortcomings of real-life power sources in comparison to the ideal power sources that we usually model circuits with. True power sources both have an internal resistance, and a maximum amount of power that they can produce. Ideal power sources that we model circuits with have no such limitations. The lab today was designed to explore those issues.
By modeling a simple circuit with a single DC power source, connected to a single resistor, and then measuring the voltage drop across the resistor, we were able to easily compare an ideal circuit to a true-to-life circuit.
^^^^ Schematic of the circuit with the ideal power source ^^^^
The circuit that we analyzed had a 1V power source connected to a 22 Ohm resistor. By Ohm's law, analysis of the ideal circuit yields an expected voltage drop across the resistor of 1V, an expected current of .045 Amps, and a power dissipation of .045 Watts.
However, analyzation of the non-ideal circuit yields an additional internal resistance of the power supply and the wiring, which we denoted Rs.
^^^^ Schematic of the circuit with the non-ideal power source ^^^^
According to Ohm's law, the new Vout, Source Current, and Power across the resistor would be:
With those values predicted, we then collected all the elements of the circuit and constructed it.
The 22 Ohm resistor was measured at 24.1 Ohm plus/minus .3 Ohms.
^^^^ The picture shows a higher level of resistance due to a poor connection within the wires ^^^^
We then set the Wave Gen to exactly 1.00V by measuring it with a voltmeter, and adjusting it until it was at the exact output voltage value. With that completed, we measured the voltage drop across the resistor, as well as the current through the resistor.
^^^^ Left: The current through R. Right: Preparing to measure Vout ^^^^
We ended up recording a .977V drop across the resistor, with a current of 34.5 mA. Using Ohms law, that equates to a power dissipation rate of .0337 Watts. Obviously, those numbers don't match our ideal predictions, so the circuit must be non-ideal. Utilizing the equations above, we were able to calculate an internal resistance of .667 Ohms within the power supply.
While that appears to be somewhat definitive of the internal resistance, we decided to redo the lab with both a 39 Ohm resistor and a 10 Ohm resistor, separately, in order to get more accurate data.
By the same methods outlined above:
Circuit with 39 Ohm resistor : Circuit with 10 Ohm resistor:
Expected Vout = 1V Expected Vout = 1V
Expected source current = 25.6 mA Expected source current = 100 mA
Expected power dissipation = .0256 Watts Expected power dissipation = .100 Watts
Measured resistance of resistor = 41.6 Ohms Measured resistance of resistor = 12.0 Ohms
Experimental Vout = .992V Experimental Vout = .562V
Experimental source current = 23.1 mA Experimental source current = 44.6 mA
Experimental power dissipation = .0229 Watts Experimental power dissipation = .0251 Watts
Calculated Rs value = .346 Ohms Calculated Rs value = 9.82 Ohms
As the data suggests, there is definitely an internal resistance associated with the power supply. What's surprising though, is that the resistance value appears to vary based on the circuit. This of course isn't true, but what is more than likely the case is that the internal resistance just has a much larger impact on circuits with very little resistance. That being said, labs done in the future should be done using much larger levels of resistance in order to minimize the effects of the internal resistance.